why you need a website

To Become An Affiliate Marketer, Do You Need A Website?

For affiliate marketers, has social media make websites obsolete? No, even though social media sites will likely play a role in your affiliate marketing business, they aren’t a substitute for your own website. It’s a great idea to use social media sites as a platform to build your following. With millions of people visiting most…

content marketing strategy

Content Marketing Strategy – What You Need To Know

To create a solid content marketing strategy you need to understand what content marketing is. In short, content marketing involves putting out content (blog posts, articles, videos, info-graphics) regularly. This content should answer questions or provide helpful information to the people in your niche. Over time, your content will be seen by people who are…

affiliate marketing for bloggers

Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers In 5 Easy Steps

Affiliate marketing for bloggers starts with creating a great blog. Now “great” can be subjective. Opinions can vary greatly as to what constitutes a great blog but the most important aspect is quality content that is congruent with whatever niche you choose. Here are the top 5 affiliate marketing for bloggers tips to get started:…

make money blogging

Blogging Mistakes You’re Making – Top 5 Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Starting a blog to make money online? Good for you! Most people never get that far. But, if you’re making these common blogging mistakes you won’t make a penny. Here are the top 5 blogging mistakes you don’t know you’re making: One Extreme Or The Other Bloggers, especially new bloggers, tend to go to one…