Blog Niche Ideas That Can Make You Six – Figures
Choosing one of these unique blog niche ideas as the foundation of your online business can make you six figures a year. This needs to the first step on your blogging journey.
These blog niche ideas cover a large range of interests so no matter what niches you are interested in you’re likely to find it here. And, all of these niches offer ideas for less competitive, but very lucrative, sub-niches.
People often ask if you need to have a personal interest in a niche in order to build a blog around it, the short answer is no.
You can build a blog around a niche based solely on it’s profitability, but I would caution you against it for 3 main reasons:
- As you build out your niche blog you will be spending a lot of time researching what content to add. It’s much more interesting to read and learn about a niche that you already have an interest in. It can keep you motivated if you’re spending time learning more about something you already love.
- If you choose a niche that you already love you’re likely to have a lot of knowledge about that niche already. This means you have a lot of information right in your head that you can share with your audience. Personal experience within the niche not only means less time researching, it can mean your content will be more personal and pinpointed, and yes, more interesting to your audience.
Start Doing These Things Right From The Start
Before you settle on a niche, it’s important to know the specific steps you’ll want to take to grow a truly profitable business.
- Set up optin forms and/ or landing pages to start growing your email list right from the start
- Nurture your email list by providing quality, helpful content on a regular basis.
- Your blog website is the foundation of your business, take care of it. Keep the plugins and themes updated for maximum performance and security.
Keep these points in mind as you go through this great compilation of blog niche ideas from a blog called
“Niche Category: Health and Fitness
List of niches: health and fitness
There’s a reason why I chose this category first. Weight loss sites are HUGE when it comes to producing revenue. People who want to get fit or lose weight are desperate and seek out any information they can to help them gain an advantage in their struggle.
They’re also willing to spend money if there’s a product that can help them on their journey.
There are two things that sell better than anything else: pain and pleasure.
What’s wonderful about health and fitness is you can fit almost an endless number of niche ideas within this category. Think about how many different diets and exercise programs that exist today.
You can use this to your advantage and expand beyond one niche once you’ve covered one of the niches completely.
For example, you can start your website talking about the the right diet plans. Then you can also add information about exercises to help people reach their weight goals (you will find more Health & Fitness ideas in this list of niches, read on below)
Niche #1: Weight Loss
Weight loss sites are perhaps some of the most popular on the web. Whether someone has a few pounds to lose or hundreds, everyone just wants to look and feel their best. If you can help them do that, then you’ll have a great time not just making money, but by also being a positive influence on people’s lives.
Weight Loss Niche Monetization Ideas:
The weight loss niche can easily make a lot of money through affiliate marketing.
Sub-niche ideas:
Here are the sub-niche ideas and a number of exact monthly searches (according to the Ahrefs tool). Note that this volume is for the exact search volume only. The overall search volume will be much higher because of the other related terms.
Keto diet
South Beach diet
Detox diet
Vegetarian diet
Intermittent fasting
Niche #2: Exercise
Exercise routines are as numerous as diets.
There are millions of exercise addicts around the world who spend a lot of money learning about best ways to exercise, as well as on equipment.
You can tap into the fun by creating a website talking about some (or all) things related to exercise.
Exercise Niche Monetization Ideas:
Just like weight loss, in this niche you won’t have a shortage of high-paying affiliate programs. Adsense and other display ads programs pay really well in this niche too.
Yoga pants
Weight Lifting
Karate/Martial Arts
Niche #3: Nutritional Health
Nutrition isn’t the same as weight loss. People want healthy bodies, even if they’re already in shape. A lot of it can involve breaking down different food types that people need to eat, ensuring a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals for an enduring lifestyle.
That’s good news for us marketers, because they are willing to spend money.
Nutritional Health Niche Monetization Ideas:
Affiliate marketing by promoting various supplements, healthy diet plans and recipe books
Affiliate networks you should look at are Clickbank, MarketHealth
Adsense can be used alongside affiliate offers as well, however it’s likely that affiliate marketing would yield the highest returns.
Low Carb Diet
High Protein Foods
Juicing Recipes
Pregnancy Diet
Cannabis oil
Niche #4: Structural Health
You can focus strictly on the inside of the body, but there are certain body structures that we as humans need to keep in order, especially as we get older.
How to monetize it:
Affiliate marketing by selling health supplements, healthy diet plans and recipe books
Physical Therapy
Massage Therapy
Niche #5: Supplements
One thing constantly being pumped into our ears is the need for more vitamins and minerals. The nutrients in our food is constantly being depleted, forcing people to take a variety of medications. It’s common for people to order supplements from the internet.
So naturally, I had to include this niche into this ultimate list of niches.
How to monetize it:
There are huge amounts of various affiliate offers that you can promote on your site, in-content and via an email list
You can supplement the affiliate income with some display ads revenue as well
Kid’s Nutrition
Dietary Supplements
Protein / Muscle building
Niche Category: Real Estate
Ultimate niche list: real estate
Real estate is a great industry to get involved in and it has a high potential for monetizing your site. You can focus on local, state, or even country-wide markets. Real estate agents are always looking for more exposure, so your working options are nearly endless.
Niche #6: Flipping Real Estate
The popularity of flipping homes is at an all-time high currently, thanks to several TV shows and the fact that the economy is bouncing back from a massive recession that hit the real estate market big time.
That means houses are cheaper and easier to flip, especially if you know the right strategies.
There are some excellent websites in this niche, such as HouseBeautiful who monetize this niche with display ads, and I couldn’t forego this lucrative niche in my list of niches.
How to monetize it:
Affiliate marketing by advertising books about renovation, finance and money making strategies
Commission per Referral: Finance companies, real estate agencies and banks offer commission per referral programs where you get paid either per client referred converted into a loan/product or per percentage of total loan amount
Display ads would pay really well in this niche
How To Flip Houses
Flipping Homes
Flipping Real Estate
Buy and Hold
Investment Strategies
Niche #7: Specialized Real Estate
One way to tackle the real estate industry is to focus on a single sub-niche aspect of it and put your full content power into that. You might have an easier time pulling apart from the pack by targeting a specific market.
While there may not be a huge amount of affiliate products in this niche, Adsense generally pays really well in these niches.
How to monetize it:
Adsense and other display ads would appear to be the best way to monetize this kind of websites
OfferVault has some CPA offers from time to time, which relate to the real estate niche
Luxury Real Estate
Trailer Homes For Sale
Suburb-specific Real Estate (multiple keywords need to be separately assessed)
Tiny Homes
Tiny Houses
Niche #8: Loans and Financing
Owning a home is the dream of millions of people. You can make a career out of helping people find the right home loans or even a business loan to get their flipping business off the ground.
How to monetize it:
Affiliate Marketing: there is an abundance of affiliate programs in the loans and finance niche which pay extremely well, some $300 USD per referral or more. Check out ClixGalore, Commission Junction, Clickbank
Commission per Referral: you can also make direct deals with loan brokers in your area for any referrals that you send
Student Loan Refinance
High Interest Loans
Low Interest Loans
Mortgage Refinance
Mortgage Help
Commercial Loans
Niche Category: Recreation and Fun
Image for the list of niche markets, recreation & fun category
As I stated earlier, people buy for two reasons: to avoid pain and to gain pleasure. Recreation is definitely stacked in the pleasure category! Most families save as much money as they can to go on vacations, weekend trips, and enjoy life as much as possible.
Niche #9: Shooting
In many parts of the world, shooting is a past-time tradition that’s passed down from family to family. It can be a fun recreation event for the family, for a date, or just try something new.
How to monetize it:
Affiliate marketing by advertising shooting apparel, books and courses about any of the sub-niches below
Target Shooting
Skeet Shooting
Niche #10: Outdoor Recreation
One of the best family outings can be a camping trip to the middle of nowhere. There’s nature, people, and culture we can discover away from our own backyards. But even if you want to stay at home, there’s always something new to find.
How to monetize it:
Affiliate marketing – advertise other companies’products on your site and get paid a commissions per sale. Suitable affiliate programs include Amazon Affiliates and merchants from Commission Junction
eCom – sell products via your shop on Shopify or WooCommerce platforms
Adsense – place Google ads on your site
Camping Supplies
Niche #11: Sports
No matter where you go in the world, sports are an important part of just about every culture. Sports fans are passionate about their teams, so there’s no doubt you can gain a following by creating a site for a specific team, entire league, and/or the sport as a whole.
How to monetize it:
Promote sports apparel, jerseys and books as an affiliate
Ice Skating
Niche Category: Food and Drink
Food and drink niches for the list of niche ideas
Food and drink is a category most people can get behind! It’s something we all love.
Maybe you have food traditions in your family. Most cultures do. True food and beverage connoisseurs travel the world to partake in old world cuisine with new world style and fusion. If you can tap into this market, you can become successful creating a platform for this wonderful community.
Niche #12: Alcohol
Almost since the beginning of time, man has created fermented beverages using a variety of fruits and vegetables. There was a time in history when most people drank wine/alcohol regularly because it was safer and cleaner than the water supply. It’s even been used in a variety of religious traditions.
How to monetize it:
There are affiliate marketing programs such as wine clubs, beer clubs, online stores
Cocktails/Mixed Drinks
Home Brews
Niche #13: Coffee
With my blog name being “Caffeinated Blogger”, how can I not include Coffee in this list of niches?
Coffee is one of the most beloved drinks in the world. It comes in hundreds of different varieties and is grown mostly in South America. This is one niche market that would be quite easy to get into.
How to monetize it:
Amazon Affiliates program, since there are a lot of products related to coffee being sold on Amazon
Coffee Beans
Accessories (grinders, coffee pots, Keurig)
Iced Coffee
Iced Cappuccino
Coffee-Infused Drinks
Niche #14: Restaurants
People LOVE going out to eat. There are a hundred different reasons why people get online to find a restaurant to eat at. They want to see what options they have to fit their appetite, find a place with great reviews, or even discover the local hole-in-the-wall eatery.
How to monetize it:
It appears that the most popular model with these types of sites is to build large directories of restaurants and then show display ads on your site
Cultural Foods (Mexican, Italian, English, French, American, Chinese)
Fast Food
Food Tracker
Fusion Cuisine
Upscale Dining
Local Destinations
Niche #15: Desserts
One of the most popular businesses to make it onto Shark Tank and get a huge deal involved cupcakes in jars. If you or someone you love has been told they make the most amazing treats and desserts, you can make a living selling them online!
How to monetize it:
You can promote cooking and baking books as an affiliate, there are a lot of programs out there in this niche
You can sell your own product or cookbook eventually
Ice Cream
Life Events
High-End Desserts
Dessert Decorations/Accessories
Healthy “Diet” Desserts
Specialized Treats
Niche #16: Cooking/Cuisine
Pinterest is absolute proof that people love to cook and try new recipes. Whether it’s Bar-B-Que on the smoker or a 5-course meal for friends, cooking is the one thing that has always brought us together.
Our list of niches wouldn’t be complete without the cooking niche.
How to monetize it:
Similarly to the Desserts niche, you can promote cooking and baking books as an affiliate, there are a lot of programs out there in this niche
You can sell your own product or cookbook eventual
Niche Category: Interests and Attractions
Ultimate List of Profitable niche markets
Niche #17: Beaches/Vacation
Beaches are the #1 vacation spot throughout the world. Millions of people, local and out-of-towners alike, visit beaches all year round. Just ask Florida, Australia, and other locals that get constant attention no matter the season.
How to monetize it:
Display ads are one of the most common ways for owners of these sites to monetize them. These sites can generate huge amounts of traffic
Best Vacation Spots
Spring Break
Best Area Beaches
Local Attractions
Seaside Bars/Restaurants
Amusement Parks
City Parks
Historical Monuments/Locations
County/State/Renaissance Fairs
Niche #18: Entertainment
People love their entertainment. That’s why we spend billions each year on it. You can’t go wrong developing a niche around this topic.
How to monetize it:
Display ads
Certain affiliate programs have suitable offers such as paid TV, games, and various entertainment package subscriptions
Video Games/Systems
Niche #19: Hobbies
We all have our hobbies. Each one is like a large community of people who love spending time together and doing what they enjoy.
Hobbies had to be included in this list of niches because there are absolutely huge and very successful sites that are dedicated to hobbies.
How to monetize it:
You can make a killing in a lot of these sub-niches by promoting products as an Amazon affiliate
Niche Category: Business / Jobs and Career
Business and Money Niches for the ultimate list of niches
Some of the most popular sites on the web are job finders, which are especially useful during tough economic times. If you can help connect people to the right type of work or get them going on the career of their dreams, you’ve created a ton of value.
Niche #20: Online Marketing
Online marketing is one of the most lucrative niches in this list of niches.
Thanks to the invention of the internet, more people than ever are starting their own business. A lot of the newer guys and gals need advice and mentoring, something they’re willing to pay a lot of money for.
There are some insanely successful blogs in this niche, such as Making Sense of Cents, NicheHacks and CreateAndGo.
How to monetize it:
You can promote various online marketing tools as an affiliate, a lot of them offer recurring models and high payouts
You can create and sell your own online tools, resources and courses
How To Start A Blog
Everything Related to WordPress and Building a Site
Social Media Techniques
Paid Advertising – YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, etc
Search Engine Optimization
Niche #21: Trade/Education
Sometimes people decide to make a career change by getting into a new trade. Or, they are already involved in something, but need a bit more education or skills to advance. You can help them!
How to monetize it:
There are affiliate marketing programs from various educational organisations
Display advertising will do well as well, since ads in this niche pay high costs per click
Choose a career
How to become a … (pilot, doctor, blogger, manager, etc)
How to get various certifications
Niche Category: Science
Niche ideas for a blog: science niche
Scientific discovery is one of the man’s greatest past times. We’re all interested in how we got here, where we’re going, and how the universe around us works. Help teach the world the miracle of science!
Niche #22: Astronomy
Space is amazing. From astonishing images taken by the Hubble to studying planets orbiting around foreign stars, we’re constantly fascinated with the great, black beyond!
How to monetize it:
Display ads are a good choice since these types of websites can generate a lot of pageviews
Mars Rover
Planetary Studies
Solar System
Niche #23: Geology
When I was a kid, I used to collect rocks. I don’t know many kids who didn’t. Even into adulthood, we’re fascinated by mountains and geological formations.
How to monetize it:
Google Adsense and other display ads networks would work well
Rock Collections
Landmarks (Grand Canyon, Everest)
Local Attractions/Historical Formations
Niche Category: Selling/Ecommerce
Selling & ECommerce Niches
Niche #24: Accessories
There are plenty of people who make a small fortune every year just selling simple accessories to everyday people. We need them, for one reason or another, and always find an excuse to buy them.
How to monetize it:
There is a big potential to insert Amazon Affiliate links into your posts and get paid whenever someone buys something through your link
You can also use a dropshipping model and sell products on Shopify or your own website, using a dropshipper like Ali Express
Phone Cases
Batteries “
Greg from provides a great list for blog niche ideas. This should make it so easy for you to hone in on the perfect niche idea as you start your online blog.
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