Best Free Traffic Sources To Grow Your Blog & Build Your Email List

If I had know what the best free traffic sources online were when I first started my online career, things would have been much easier for me!
When I first started online I was broke. I mean broke. I could barely buy food and pay my bills.
For a little over a year I had to pay one utility bill one month and pay a different one the next month. I was barely able to avoid getting disconnected.
So trust me when I say that I understand how frustrating and challenging it can be to try to get enough quality traffic to your blog and landing pages.
But, there are many ways to get quality traffic for free. In this article I’ll show you the best free traffic sources you can start using today to drive traffic where ever you want it to go.
Best Free Traffic Sources
1. Social Media
This is the most commonly used method to drive free traffic – the reason for that is because it works!
Part of the benefit of using social media is that the various platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, etc. make it really easy to target the exact people who will be the most interested in your message.
Being able to tune in to the exact people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service saves a ton of time and money.
Creating profiles on all of these social media sites and posting content that your desired audience will want to see, can build you a huge following of potential customers.
Do yourself a favor and don’t just go with Facebook or Twitter. True they are huge, but so are Pinterest and Youtube. These platforms are often overlooked by internet marketers.

2. Your Blog
Believe it or not a blog can be an absolute goldmine if you do it correctly. Adding content that is highly relevant to your chosen niche is the best way to draw an audience and keep that audience engaged and coming back over and over again.
Once you have built your audience you can monetize your content with ads for affiliate offers as well as optin forms for your email list.
And the nice thing about your blog is that you don’t have to write articles if you don’t want to. You can outsource content creation, even if you have a very limited budget, you can find people online who will write an article for you very cheaply.
Beyond outsourcing your content you can also curate content. This is the best way to add quality, on topic content to your blog regularly without spending your whole life creating new content.
And don’t forget, content is more than just articles. Content includes videos, images, infogrpahics, etc.
No matter what type of content you add, do these 4 things to increase your results
- Make sure the content is highly relevant to your niche. Stay on target!
- Add content consistently. A little here and a little there won’t work if you want consistent traffic flowing to your website.
- Use keywords related to your niche. You can find ideas on for free. Just type in a relevant keyword and see what content comes up. BuzzSumo will give you a count of how popular the content is on various social media sites.
- Share your content. It doesn’t matter if you create the best content ever seen by mankind…no one will just magically find it. You have to submit your content to other places. Create an update for your Facebook page, create some pins for your Pinterest account, send out a tweet. You get the idea. Increases your exposure by sharing your content.
3. Email
Don’t waste your time driving traffic to your website if you’re not going to capture their contact info. Up to 98% of the people who visit your website won’t buy anything and they will never come back.
Don’t waste your traffic driving efforts. Add multiple optin forms throughout your site to encourage people to sign up to your email list. Offer them something that is valuable to them and related to your niche as an incentive to signup.
Short reports, checklists and how to guides work incredibly well if they provide your visitor with a solution to a common problem.
Building an email list can be like having your own ATM. That’s not hype. If you take the time to nurture your list and provide them with helpful information on a regular basis, they will learn to trust you and like you.
People buy from people they like and trust! So build trust and the next time you send out a promotional email, you will get more sales. The bigger your list, the more sales you’ll make!

Time To Get Started
You’ve probably noticed that these methods can work hand-in-hand.
As a matter of fact, they work best that way. You’re basically creating your own eco system with your content. When you share it, other people in your social media groups will share it with their friends.
And after a while, you can get a real flood of highly interested and highly qualified people to your blog!
Your Next Steps
- Create content for your blog
- Share that content around the web
- Use that content to drive traffic back to your landing page or optin form to build your email list
- Send helpful information and promotional emails to your email list
- Make commissions!!!
- Repeat
Get started now!
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